HolySheet API

This is the HolySheet web API documentation. This is used by the webapp but can be forked and used by others.

The following are headers (OR URL queries if specified) all requests should have:

Name Example Description
Authorization ya29.TcB0P5v6uuH7oiDjc8yLteZdB6yzXgw9WeAZPKgn8Dbubu1q1XvBZ6L4m_nVvdSc0mf6LVqLBW-SkAD0WquaUMmi14AWGQF1Uz6TYcScoSZcNQDZew_TYZNRLMqU15-qPyQ The access token given by Google for the client

List files

Lists HolySheet generated files.


Property Description
path (optional) The path to list files from relative from the sheetStore folder
starred (optional) Boolean value to only list starred files. Defaults to false
trashed (optional) Boolean value to only list trashed files. Defaults to false


Property Description
name The name of the file
id The drive ID of the containing folder of the sheets
path The path of the file in HolySheet
sheets The number of sheets making up the file
size The size in bytes of all encoded data uploaded to sheets
date The date in milliseconds the file was created
selfOwned If the file is owned by the user or shared
owner The file owner's name
driveLink A direct Google Drive link to the top-level folder containing the sheets
starred If the file is starred
trashed If the file is currently in the trash

Example request

$ curl https://api.holysheet.net/list?path=subdir&starred=false&trashed=false -H 'Authentication: xyz'


    "name": "bob.mp4",
    "id": "16dHIeHW82BYgBgfMlp3SQ8D1rhRmRO0F",
    "path": "/",
    "sheets": 6,
    "size": "59663369",
    "date": "1580423863739",
    "selfOwned": true,
    "owner": "Adam Yarris",
    "driveLink": "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16dHIeHW82BYgBgfMlp3SQ8D1rhRmRO0F",
    "starred": true,
    "trashed": false


Uploads an arbitrary file to HolySheet.


Property Description
Authentication The authentication token, instead of as a header
name The name of the file being uploaded
length The length in bytes of the file being uploaded
path The path to list files from relative from the sheetStore folder


Property Description
status The status of the previous chunk upload. Standard responses will be "ok"
progress The 0-100 percentage of completion

Whenever a status of "ok" is sent to the server, raw binary data of the file being uploaded must be sent. The upload will not succeed if data is sent otherwise. The most data sent per chunk is 4MB. Anything more will close with a 1009.

Response Codes

These are close reason codes. The standard response on the right will be the reason for the close.

Property Description
1000 A successful file upload, happens when the uploaded length meets the length given in the request. Status will always be "done"
1009 The sent data is too large (Over 4MB)
1011 An internal server error has occurred. Site administrators should look in the server logs for any stacktraces. The upload of the file is not guaranteed, it should be expected to have failed.

Example request

$ curl -F 'data=@/home/RubbaBoy/input.png' https://api.holysheet.org/upload?Authentication=xyz&name=input.png&length=123456&path=/


    "status": "ok",
    "progress": 82

Response (1000 Normal)

    "status": "done",
    "progress": 100

Response (1009 Too Large)

    "status": "Maximum payload size is 4000000 bytes",
    "progress": 0

Response (1011 Server Error)

    "status": "An internal error occurred",
    "progress": 0


Downloads a given file by its ID.


Property Description
Authentication The authentication token, instead of as a header
id The drive ID of the file to download


Property Description
N/A The raw byte stream of the file will be sent over as a response

Timeout on this request must be high, as it may take some time to process the file.


Example request

$ curl https://api.holysheet.net/download?Authentication=xyz&id=abc -o file.png


Byte stream


Sends a given file ID into the standard Google Drive trash. If it is already trashed or the permanent query is true, it will be permanently deleted.


Property Description
id The drive ID of the file to delete
permanent (optional) If the deletion should skip the trash phase


Property Description
message The response message

Example request

$ curl https://api.holysheet.net/delete?id=abc&permanent=false -H 'Authentication: xyz'


    "message": "Deleted successfully"


Restores a trashed file with the given drive ID.


Property Description
id The drive ID of the file to restore


Property Description
message The response message

Example request

$ curl https://api.holysheet.net/restore?id=abc -H 'Authentication: xyz'


    "message": "Restored successfully"


Stars (or unstars) a given file.


Property Description
id The drive ID of the file to restore
starred A boolean value representing if a file should be starred (true) or unstarred (false).


Property Description
message The response message

Example request

$ curl https://api.holysheet.net/star?id=abc&starred=true -H 'Authentication: xyz'


    "message": "Starred successfully"


Moves a given file to a path. This does not move the file in Google Drive, it adds a property saying where the file is, requiring all file moving in HolySheet to be done through the API.


Property Description
id The drive ID of the file to restore
path The path to move the file to relative from the sheetStore folder


Property Description
message The response message

Example request

$ curl https://api.holysheet.net/move?id=abc&path=/test/ -H 'Authentication: xyz'


    "message": "Moved successfully"

Create Folder

Creates an empty folder. These folders are not actual folders in Google Drive, they are simply some JSON data in the root sheetStore folder.


Property Description
path The path relative from the sheetStore folder to create


Property Description
message The response message

Example request

$ curl https://api.holysheet.net/createfolder?path=/test/ -H 'Authentication: xyz'


    "message": "Created successfully"
HolySheet API Documentation